BAG-Pipe Band und Solo Competition 2024 at Trebsen Manor


Beloved friends of the highland games at Trebsen Manor, dear pipe bands, athlets, merchants and musicians,
we are very pleased to announce the XXIII. International Highlandgames to be taking place at the beautiful Schlosspark Trebsen, Sept. 20th to Sept. 22nd 2024.

Following good tradition, the band competition will take place on Saturday, Sept. 21st 2024. On Sunday, Sept. 22nd 2024, the solo competitions will take place.  The complete competition spectrum of the BAG solo board is on schedule.


As usual we are make all effort to provide you a most pleasant weekend. Once more the manor will be reserved for pipe bands and solo players as an exclusive retreat.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon and stay healthy,

your Förderverein Rittergut Trebsen e.V. and the Dresden Pipes and Drums